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A Canberra based
professional editing service
Mobile: +61 427 863 155
About NVE

I am the owner of Next Version Editing, a small freelance editing business based in Canberra. I have extensive experience in academic and professional writing, having worked as a social worker, researcher and public servant. I have written numerous articles published in academic journals and a wide range of reports and papers for a variety of audiences. My qualifications include a PhD in Social Work and Social Research, as well as a Graduate Certificate in Professional Writing (Editing). I am accredited as an editor through the accreditation scheme run by the Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd).
I specialise in academic editing, and also have experience in editing non-academic writing. I am happy to work with clients to come up with editing solutions that fit. Next Version Editing offers competitive rates and operates with an ethos based on clear communication, efficient service and authentic advice.
Connect with me on LinkedIn.
Find me through IPEd or the Canberra Society of Editors.
Justine McNamara
PhD, Accredited Editor
The type of editing service you need will depend on what sort of work your manuscript requires. There are three basic stages of editing, outlined very briefly below, and I am happy to work with you to come up with the best approach for your document. Many aspects of the stages overlap, so the descriptions below are a general guide only.
Substantive editing
Attending to style
and substance
This can involve quite significant structural changes to a piece of writing, considering the overall content of the work and making suggestions about possible changes to style and content. Substantive editing can help an author make adjustments to language and improve the suitability of a piece of writing for its intended audience.

Corrections for clarity and consistency
Copyediting focuses on improving the consistency of the language and layout in a document. This will include making corrections to spelling, grammar, punctuation and making minor edits to sentence structure or wording to improve clarity. In academic work, it usually includes checking the style of reference lists and citations.

The final
This is a final quality check, involving going through a manuscript carefully to check that it is complete and correct, including a focus on correcting any remaining spelling or typographical errors, and doing a final check of consistency.

Academic editing
NVE specialises in academic editing. This includes journal articles, reports, book chapters and books across a wide range of humanities, business, economics and social science topics. My experience as an academic writer means I can provide expert advice on the structure and flow of academic writing to help you get your message across, as well as careful copyediting and proofreading so your final product is polished and publication-ready.
I also enjoy editing student theses (discounted student rates apply). There are special rules for professional editing of a thesis (see IPEd). Students should also consult their own university’s guidance and their supervisor.
Just email justine@nextversionediting.com.au or use the contact form below if you’d like some specific advice.
I have developed a quick guide for editing your own reference list. You can find it at the link below:
Costs for editing depend on a whole range of factors, including how long the manuscript is and how much editing it needs. Factors like long reference lists or the need for a very quick turn-around time can also affect cost. Clients generally find NVE’s work to be excellent value for money. Clients often comment on:
the detailed and helpful nature of the editing
the contribution my understanding of research methods and academic publishing makes to the quality of the editing
strong and timely communication
reliable delivery.
NVE offers competitive rates and will provide an obligation-free quote. I will usually ask you for a sample of your manuscript, to help give you a realistic estimate. The sample also gives me the opportunity to provide you with advice about what sort of editing is required.
IPEd offers helpful general advice about pay rates for editors.
Contact NVE if you would like to discuss your editing needs, provide feedback or get a quote. You can fill in the online
form below, or just email or phone. I’ll get back in touch with you promptly.